Restoration Work at Valletta Historical Heritage
St Lucy Church ( photos of St Lucy Church which I support for restoration ) Mr Mario Tonna took the responsibility to take care of this 1565 chapel. On a daily bases after his normal day work he dedicate time for the restoration and also daily up-keep of the church. Keeping the Chapel open and fully functioning he manages to save local heritage and spiritual needs

Foundation Pope John Paul II
The JP2 Foundation is a non-government organisation and it has the holding as one of its main objectives in getting together people with diversity in cultural through events.

Edward Hili - Local Sculpture
From humble beginnings, Sculpture Edward Hili tries his best to keep the artistic side of Valletta alive by also dedicating most of the time teaching young students in this sublime art. MiTi noticed Edward's immense raw talent, the importance of teaching and became his corporate sponsor, supplying him with the funding required to support his eagerness to teach and unite at the same time to make this a success story.

Bright Hydroponics (BH2U)
This non-profit research and outreach organisation works to educate the farming industry on ecological sustainability and help governmental and private institutions decrease their ecological footprint. Among Bright H2U major foci is the sustainability and protection of local fresh water streams.
"Charity Starts at Home"